Village Green News - July 2024As I write this, I’m sitting on a train en route to Oxford Uni and my first experience of the Oxford Food Symposium...
Treacle Soda BreadIngredients 500g flour (a mix of 350g plain and 150g wholemeal is nice) 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda 1 teaspoon of seasalt 50g...
Village Green FlapjackIngredients 12oz porridge oats Whole pack of salted butter 6oz Fairtrade demerera sugar 3oz golden syrup A handful of your favourite...
Easy New Potato & Onion FrittataIngredients 2 medium onions, sliced finely Olive oil 350g baby new potatoes 6 free range eggs 1/4 cup of cream Seal salt & pepper Fresh...
Pea & Mint SoupPea and mint soup recipe from The Village Green Cafe - no better soup flavour and no better soup colour!